Author Ross Anthony's Motobookothon 2009

MOTOBOOKOTHON: a literacy charity event on wheels produced by author Ross Anthony. Galati Realty, K. Kocanda, H. Liem - Key Sponsors


In 2009, I created a charity event to promote literacy across the states. I rode a 125 dirt bike from Chicago to the California Border stopping at schools and libraries along the way to give away signed books and awesome empowering presentations.

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Ross Anthony, Author * Illustrator * Speaker * Solo World Circumnavigator Books (see Ross Anthony, Author "The Little Snail Story" - Ross Anthony, Author "Rodney Appleseed Series"- Ross Anthony, Author "Rodney Appleseed in Nothing Happens"- Ross Anthony, Author "Rodney Appleseed in Everything Happens"- Ross Anthony, Author "Please Don't Step on the Ants"- Ross Anthony, Author "Zen Repair and the Art of Riding Chili"- Ross Anthony, Author "Circle Earth"- Ross Anthony, Author "Eddie Johnson's Ark"- Ross Anthony, Author "Jinshirou"- Ross Anthony, Author "Paperboy"- Ross Anthony, Author Film Reviews at, Motobookothon '09- Ross Anthony, Author Essays at Ross Anthony, Author E-Newsletters- Ross Anthony, Author. Charity events produced by Ross Anthony, Author: key sponsors: H. Liem., J. Keszek. Ross Anthony, Galati Realty, Kenny Kocanda. key sponsors: H. Liem., J. Keszek. Ross Anthony, Galati Realty, Kenny Kocanda. Chili4homeless key sponsors: H. Liem., J. Keszek. Ross Anthony, Galati Realty, Kenny Kocanda. Common Man Caravan key sponsors: Ross Anthony, Galati Realty, Kenny Kocanda. Schoolsinneed key sponsors: H. Liem., J. Keszek. Ross Anthony, Galati Realty, Kenny Kocanda. Hollywood Report Card Write Triangle The Write Help Motobookothon 2009 Motobookathon 2009 Author*Illustrator*Speaker RA.A RA.N Terry Palmer